Web3a Send User Ops
Create a project
> mkdir sampleUserOps
> cd sampleUserOps
> bun init
> bun i @jiffy-labs/web3a
> touch .env
> vim .env
// Add the following details
// close vim
Write the script to run the user operation
- Add the required imports
import { createWalletClient, formatEther, parseEther } from "viem";
import {
} from "../dist";
import { Network } from "../dist";
import "dotenv/config";
- Initialise the account object
The library currently only support deployment and usage of a simple account that you can create using a private key. More will be added soon.
const network = Network.VANAR_TESTNET;
const publicClient = await getPublicClient(network);
const privateKey = process.env.PVT_KEY as `0x${string}`;
const bundlerUrl = process.env.BUNDLER_URL as string;
const paymasterUrl = process.env.PAYMASTER_URL as string;
const JIFFYSCAN_API_KEY = process.env.JIFFYSCAN_API_KEY as string;
const accountClient = await getAccountClientFromPrivateKeyV7({
privateKey: privateKey,
network: network,
bundler: {
url: bundlerUrl,
header: { "x-api-key": JIFFYSCAN_API_KEY },
index: 0n,
paymaster: {
sponsoredBy: "Jiffy", // "None" | "Jiffy" , if "Jiffy" is selected, paymasterUrl must be provided
url: paymasterUrl,
header: { "x-api-key": JIFFYSCAN_API_KEY },
- Send an user operation
The following scripts should send a user operation , wait for the transaction to be mined and return a transaction hash.
const tx = await accountClient.sendTransaction({
to: "0x8D582d98980248F1F0849710bd0626aDE4c44E3D",
value: 100n,
maxFeePerGas: 1000000000n,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 1000000000n,
console.log("txHash: ", tx);